12. Payment Methods


On-line payment method

Pay online here.  You will be required to have your ‘Ref No’ (which is available at the top right hand corner of this page), and your credit/debit card details.  This option is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Telephone payment method

Telephone 068 56700 or 0818 313100.  You will be guided to the payment process. You will be required to have your ‘Ref No’ (which is available at the top right hand corner of this page), and your credit/debit card details.

Telephone payments can be made from Monday to Friday, (excluding bank holidays) from 8am to 6pm.

Cheque payment method

A cheque or Bank Draft with the full amount due made payable to ‘Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors’ can be posted to: Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors, Market Street, Listowel, Co. Kerry, Ireland.

Always ensure you write your full name and licence plate on the back of the cheque or bank draft for reference.