Under the Bye-Laws for the M50 (between junction 6 & 7) dated July 2008 any person who passes through the M50 toll location is liable to pay the appropriate toll and any person who fails to pay the toll is guilty of an offence.
If a toll and default tolls remain unpaid – the matter is then handed to us at Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors as we are the legal enforcement agency responsible for collecting fines.
A Toll Violation Notice is issued notifying you of the fines due and owing which is your final opportunity to pay before legal proceedings are issued against you.
If the Toll Violation Notice is not paid within 7 days of the date of the Toll Violation Notice a Claim Notice is issued to commence proceedings against you in the District Court. The Claim Notice will be served on you.
You – being the Defendant then have 2 options:-
- Defend the claim, by sending an Appearance and Defence to both the Plaintiffs Solicitor – Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors, Market Street, Listowel, County Kerry and also the Clerk of the relevant Courthouse. Please be aware the matter will then be listed to be heard in Court and you will have to appear in Court and prove your case.
- Ignore and let the matter proceed to the next stage which may result in a Judgment being issued against you.
You might note that you being the Defendant will be liable to pay the Judgment costs once it has issued.