Tag: road traffic act

Pointing out the points!

The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport carried out a review of the current penalty point system in 2012.  On 8th December 2014, the Minister, Paschal Donoghue introduced a number of adjustments to penalty points and new penalty point offences.  From that date, 14 new penalty point offences were created, […]

Cycling and the Law

Three of us in Pierse Fitzgibbon have committed to cycling the ring of Kerry this year to raise funds for Ard Curam, the day care centre in Listowel.  All donations will be appreciated!  When I was cycling through Ballylongford on Saturday morning trying to think of what I would write […]

Motor insurance – Are you sure you are covered?

Robert Pierse, in the introduction to the section on motor insurance in his book “Road Traffic Law” quotes David Yates, writing about insurance in the Sunday Times:- “an insurance policy is like old underwear.  The gaps in its cover are only shown by accident”. To avoid the serious and often […]

Road Traffic Act 2011

The Road Traffic Act 2011 was signed into Law on the 27th April 2011 and became effective from the 1st June 2011. This Act makes significant amendments to two sections of the 1994 Road Traffic Act, dealing with mandatory roadside testing and the taking of specimens in Hospital. Mandatory Roadside […]