Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors LLP is the Enforcement Service Provider for eFlow barrier-free tolling system on the M50.
Phone: 068 56700 or 0818 313 100
Online Payments: Click here to pay online
Business Hours: Monday – Friday 8.00am – 6:00 p.m.
The M50 West-Link toll facility, which had been in existence since 1990, was replaced with the barrier-free eFlow tolling arrangements on 30th August 2008. The old toll plaza was removed and replaced with a Barrier-Free electronic toll system and the scheme has achieved its strategic objective of improving traffic flow by eliminating the bottlenecks associated with the barriers, and delays of 30 minutes and more each day which were a feature of the former toll plaza are no longer experienced by tens of thousands of road users.
The motorway is now operating much more efficiently with substantial benefits for all road users including freight transporters as well as providing significant environmental benefits due to less congestion.
1. Toll Amounts, Time Limits and Penalties as of 01/01/2025
Maximum Tolls / Applicable Tolls | |||
Vehicle Category | Tag | Video | Unregistered |
Motor cars (up to eight passengers and driver) | €2.50 | €3.10 | €3.80 |
Goods Vehicles not exceeding 2,000kg | €3.50 | €4.10 | €4.80 |
Buses or coaches (more than 8 passengers) | €3.50 | €4.10 | €4.80 |
Goods Vehicles between 2,000kg and 10,000kg | €5.10 | €5.80 | €6.40 |
Goods Vehicles exceeding 10,000kg & tractor units for an articulated vehicle | €6.40 | €7.00 | €7.70 |
Unregistered users are required to pay the due toll before 8.00pm on the day after the use of the Toll Road. In accordance with the provisions of the Bye-Laws, the Default Tolls for 2025 are as follows:
- Initial Default Toll for a user/vehicle class is the Applicable Toll specified for the User/Vehicle Class plus €4.00.
- Additional Default Toll for a user/vehicle class is the Initial Default Toll specified for the User/Vehicle Class plus €50.00.
- Final Default Toll for a user/vehicle class is the Additional Default Toll specified for the User/Vehicle Class plus €125.50.
2. Which Part of the M50 is Tolled?
The tolled section is between:
- Junction 6 – the intersection with the N3 national road (also called the Blanchardstown exit) and
- Junction 7 – the intersection with the N4 national road (also called the Lucan exit)
The eFlow barrier-free tolling point is in the same section of the M50 as the previous tolling point. But as it is barrier-free you do not have to stop.
3. Penalties
For unregistered users, if you don’t pay your toll before 8pm on the day following your journey, a penalty of €4.00 is added to the outstanding amount.
For Journeys after the 1st January 2025
If you fail to pay the toll and this €4.00 penalty within the next 14 days, a further penalty of €50.00 will be levied.
Failure to pay the full amount due within a further 56 days will result in an additional €125.50 penalty. Then if you still have not paid the total amount due, legal proceedings will be initiated and TVN notice will be sent to the registered owner of the vehicle.
4. I own the car but my friend was driving my car, what happens?
Under the Bye-Laws for the M50, as the registered owner of the vehicle, you are liable for all tolls and fines associated with the vehicle, regardless of whether or not you were driving the vehicle on the date in question.
5. I have received a toll violation notice but I have already paid, either at payzone, over the phone or online with eflow
1. Do you have a receipt of the payment?
If so, check the Vehicle licence plate that you paid against, sometimes numbers and letters get mixed up and the letter “O” may be entered accidentally instead of the number “0”. If you have a copy of the receipt and can see the error please forward a copy of the receipt with your query to Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors or contact the office on 0818 313 100 where we will investigate the matter further.
2. Did you pay for the toll on time?
You have until 8pm on the following day to pay for your journey. If this deadline passes and you have not made payment at any Payzone outlet, online at www.eflow.ie or with the eFlow call centre (0818 50 10 50) Monday to Friday 08:00 – 21:00 Saturday and Sunday 10:00 – 18:30, a Standard Toll Request for payment (STR) will be issued to the address registered to your vehicle.
6. I have received a toll violation notice but I moved address and did not receive previous correspondence
You might note that when your vehicle passes through the M50 toll location, a search for the registered owner and address of the vehicle is carried out with the records of the Drivers and Vehicles Computer Services Division in the Department of Transport in Shannon, the address that is registered to the vehicle is the address that the correspondence will be addressed to.
Under the Bye-Laws for the M50 (between Junctions 6 and 7), dated July 2008, the obligation rests with the registered owner, to ensure that the applicable toll and default tolls are discharged within the correct timeframes, outside of the notices issued in respect of same.
7. My vehicle is foreign – registered
Foreign-registered vehicles using the M50 are subject to the same rules as Irish-registered vehicles.
For all motorists using the M50, whether registered or unregistered, national or foreign, the non-payment of tolls is an offence under the legislation. The Transport Infrastructure Ireland (formerly known as the National Roads Authority) has therefore established a rigorous enforcement policy implemented through a trans-European enforcement agency to assist in the recovery of unpaid toll charges and fines and the prosecution of all toll evaders of Irish or foreign registered vehicles.
The onus is also on foreign motorists arriving in any country to be aware of bye-laws and rules of the road. Information is also available through motoring organisations, car hire companies and tourist bodies here and abroad.
8. My vehicle was stolen on the date of the citations
If your vehicle was stolen on the date of the citation we would advise to contact the Gardai immediately and obtain a copy of the Garda Report in relation to the offence. Please send a copy of the Garda Report to this office and a separate investigation will be opened in relation to the matter.
9. I refuse to pay the fines – what happens next?
Under the Bye-Laws for the M50 (between junction 6 & 7) dated July 2008 any person who passes through the M50 toll location is liable to pay the appropriate toll and any person who fails to pay the toll is guilty of an offence.
If a toll and default tolls remain unpaid – the matter is then handed to us at Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors as we are the legal enforcement agency responsible for collecting fines.
A Toll Violation Notice is issued notifying you of the fines due and owing which is your final opportunity to pay before legal proceedings are issued against you.
If the Toll Violation Notice is not paid within 7 days of the date of the Toll Violation Notice a Claim Notice is issued to commence proceedings against you in the District Court. The Claim Notice will be served on you.
You – being the Defendant then have 2 options:-
- Defend the claim, by sending an Appearance and Defence to both the Plaintiffs Solicitor – Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors, Market Street, Listowel, County Kerry and also the Clerk of the relevant Courthouse. Please be aware the matter will then be listed to be heard in Court and you will have to appear in Court and prove your case.
- Ignore and let the matter proceed to the next stage which may result in a Judgment being issued against you.
You might note that you being the Defendant will be liable to pay the Judgment costs once it has issued.
10. What judgment means
“If a credit search is done against your name and a Judgment appears this will affect your credit rating and will make getting a loan or mortgage more difficult.”
Once Judgment has issued one or more of the following will happen:
- Judgment may be registered in the Central Office of the High Court, which will result in the Judgment being published in Stubbs Gazette.
- Judgment may be placed in the hands of the Sheriff for seizure
- An Instalment Order may be obtained against you
- A Judgment Mortgage may be registered against any property you might own.
If a credit search is done against your name and a Judgment appears this will affect your credit rating and will make getting a loan or mortgage more difficult.
11. How a €3.80 toll turns into €183.30
For unregistered users, if you don’t pay your toll before 8pm on the day following your journey, a penalty of €4.00 is added to the outstanding amount.
For Journeys after the 1st January 2025
If you fail to pay the toll and this €4.00 penalty within the next 14 days, a further penalty of €50.00 will be levied.
Failure to pay the full amount due within a further 56 days will result in an additional €125.50 penalty. Then if you still have not paid the total amount due, legal proceedings will be initiated and Toll Violation notice will be sent to the registered owner of the vehicle.
12. Payment Methods
On-line payment method
Pay online here. You will be required to have your ‘Ref No’ (which is available at the top right hand corner of this page), and your credit/debit card details. This option is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Telephone payment method
Telephone 068 56700 or 0818 313100. You will be guided to the payment process. You will be required to have your ‘Ref No’ (which is available at the top right hand corner of this page), and your credit/debit card details.
Telephone payments can be made from Monday to Friday, (excluding bank holidays) from 8am to 6pm.
Cheque payment method
A cheque or Bank Draft with the full amount due made payable to ‘Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors’ can be posted to: Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors, Market Street, Listowel, Co. Kerry, Ireland.
Always ensure you write your full name and licence plate on the back of the cheque or bank draft for reference.
13. Vehicles exempt from toll fees
- Motor cycles
- Ambulance or Fire Brigade
- Garda Siochana vehicles or Defence forces in the performance of their duties
- South Dublin County Council goods vehicles used in the performance of their duties
- Fingal County Council goods vehicles used in the performance of their duties
- Vehicles used by the road operator or the toll operator, or any person appointed by the Authority to operate and maintain the M50 motorway, in the performance of its duties in relation to the M50 motorway
- Specially adapted vehicles driven by disabled persons
14. Who appointed Pierse Fitzgibbon as Enforcement Service Providers?
Pierse Fitzgibbon Solicitors are the Enforcement Service Provider appointed by the Transport Infrastructure Ireland (formerly known as the National Roads Authority) in relation to the Barrier-Free Telling system in operation on the M50 between Junctions 6 and 7.
Please click here to see the letter of authority.